Free & Confidential Women’s Center
Mother with daughter after finding out her daughter is pregnant

Are You Being Pressured Into an Abortion Decision?

We’ve all faced some kind of pressure from our family or friends. Perhaps our loved ones have strong opinions about whatever we face or want us to follow the same path they did.

Being pressured into any decision isn’t healthy. And if you are feeling pressured to make a pregnancy vs. abortion decision, know that you alone can make that choice. 

Keep reading to learn how to face this pressure during the decision-making process. You can also request a free appointment to discuss your unique situation with our team.

You Have the Power: Your Abortion Decision 

An unexpected pregnancy can create a lot of uncertainty in your life. You might wonder whether you have support during this time, what options are available, and how you’ll make a decision. 

Making a pregnancy vs. abortion decision requires reflection on your part. You’ll need to thoughtfully weigh abortion, adoption, and parenting, and consider the implications of each. 

Your parents, friends, partner, and other loved ones likely have opinions about which decision you should make. Their belief that you should choose abortion could be based on their personal experiences, concerns for your future, and more. 

Even if your loved ones want you to have an abortion, the choice is yours to make. You should never be pressured into having an abortion–it’s a big decision with short-term and long-term effects.

It is crucial to state your boundaries and have honest conversations with your loved ones. If you find yourself in an environment where your wishes aren’t respected, help is available.

You Are Not Alone

If you feel you are in an unsafe environment or are being coerced into having an abortion, know that help is closer than you may think. 

The National Domestic Violence Hotline offers 24/7 support. Its advocates can help you make a safety plan, find resources, and more. 

Not Sure Where to Turn? Life Line Is Here for You

If you are not in an abusive situation but need help navigating any tension during this time, Life Line is here to help. Our compassionate team can discuss your pregnancy options, help you navigate uncomfortable situations with loved ones, discuss pregnancy vs. abortion decisions, and more. 

We exist to serve you during an unexpected pregnancy with free and confidential services. Request an appointment to learn more.


Life Line does not provide or refer for abortions. 

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