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Closeup of a Woman Holding an Abortion Pill and Glass of Water in Her Hands Medical Abortion Facts

Medical Abortion Facts You Might Not Know

You may have heard of medical abortion (also known as the “abortion pill”) before. However, if you’re considering it for your unexpected pregnancy, it’s crucial to get these vital medical abortion facts first. 

Life Line offers no-cost, confidential pregnancy options information and ultrasounds so you receive the information you need. Our medical team is ready to answer your questions. Schedule an appointment today to learn more. In the meantime, keep reading to get the facts on medical abortion. 

Stay Informed. Get the Medical Abortion Facts.

Medical abortion is a procedure that ends a pregnancy with drugs. Mifepristone blocks progesterone, a hormone needed for the pregnancy to grow. Without this hormone, the uterine lining thins, and the pregnancy detaches and ends.

Misoprostol is the second drug. It causes uterine contractions that expel the pregnancy and tissue from the body. Although you might have heard these names before, it’s crucial to get the facts on this abortion method before deciding. 

Fact #1: Abortion drugs always cause cramping and bleeding. 

When a woman takes abortion drugs, she’ll experience abdominal cramping and vaginal bleeding as the pregnancy is expelled from the uterus. The intensity of these side effects can vary, with some women reporting that it can feel severe.

In addition to these side effects, women can have others, including:

  • Upset stomach
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Chills 
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache

Fact #2: Medical abortion is FDA-approved only through 10 weeks gestation. 

The FDA does not recommend taking abortion drugs past 10 weeks gestation. It also doesn’t recommend purchasing abortion drugs online, as this step bypasses important safety standards, and the quality of the drugs can’t be verified. 

Fact #3: Taking medical abortion drugs can create certain risks to your health.

Medical abortion can create certain health risks, including:

  • Digestive symptoms (i.e., upset stomach)
  • Fever
  • Infection
  • Heavy, prolonged bleeding
  • An ongoing pregnancy (if the drugs don’t work)
  • Incomplete abortion, which occurs when some of the pregnancy tissue remains in the body (this may require surgical treatment)

If left untreated, these health risks could create serious complications. It is critical to discuss medical abortion with your healthcare provider and evaluate all the medical abortion facts before making a pregnancy decision. 

Fact #4: Not everyone is eligible for a medical abortion. 

Some women should not have a medical abortion if they have the following factors:

  • Are too far along in their pregnancy
  • Are experiencing an ectopic pregnancy
  • Have an intrauterine device (IUD) currently in place
  • Have certain medical conditions, including anemia, some bleeding disorders, chronic adrenal failure, certain heart or blood vessel diseases, severe liver, kidney, or lung disease, or an uncontrolled seizure disorder.
  • Take a blood thinner or certain steroid medicines
  • Have allergies to the drugs used
  • Don’t have access to emergency care

Speaking to your provider is an essential part of this process. They can review your medical history and allergies, explain the procedure, and identify whether you meet the eligibility criteria. 

Fact #5: Ultrasound provides vital information about your pregnancy and options. 

A positive pregnancy test alone doesn’t confirm a viable pregnancy. You need an ultrasound to learn important details and understand your options. 

Ultrasound determines whether your pregnancy is progressing and there is a heartbeat, how far along you are (which can help determine your eligibility for medical abortion), and where the pregnancy is located. 

This scan can detect whether you have miscarried (which means your pregnancy has ended) or if you are experiencing an ectopic pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg implants in a location other than the uterus. This pregnancy cannot survive and can pose life-threatening complications. You would need immediate treatment to protect your health.

Life Line Pregnancy Center offers an ultrasound following a positive pregnancy test. You’ll learn key information needed to make a confident decision. 

Answers And Medical Abortion Facts Are Within Reach

Life Line Pregnancy Center provides no-cost, confidential pregnancy services and options information. We want you to make an informed decision without outside pressure. 

 Request an appointment today to learn more. We’re here for you.

Life Line Pregnancy Center does not provide or refer for abortions. 

All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.

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